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Weblogit | March 18, 2025

Zynga feuerte „heimlich“ über 100 Mitarbeiter während Apple Event

Während Tim Cook und Phil Schiller in San Jose ein regelrechtes Feuerwerk an neuer Hardware vorstellte und mit der 4. iPad-Generation überraschte, hat es im gleichen Augenblick in Boston über 100 Zynga-Mitarbeiter kalt erwischt und wurden Hals über Kopf gefeuert.

Wie die US-Kollegen von Techcrunch direkt nach der Apple-Keynote am Dienstag berichteten, hat sich Justin Maxwell ehemaliger Apple, Sony und Smule-Mitarbeiter, via Twitter mit ein paar interessanten Infos zu Wort gemeldet. Nachdem er angab, Zynga habe noch während dem Apple-Event über 100 Mitarbeiter seines Bostoner Büro's entlassen, und diese hätten darüber hinaus nur knapp 2 Stunden Zeit gehabt ihren Schreibtisch zu räumen, bestätigte CEO Mark Pnicus von Zynga mittlerweile offiziell diese Meldung.

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Seit Monaten befindet sich die Zynga-Aktie in einer Talfahrt. Demnach sei laut CEO Mark Pnicus auch die Aussicht auf ein schwaches Quartalsergebnis schuld, insgesamt knapp 5 Prozent der kompletten Belegschaft zu entlassen. Im letzten Quartal hatte das Unternehmen noch 3.200 Mitarbeiter. Die nun zur Apple-Keynote entlassenen Mitarbeiter stammen allesamt aus dem Bostoner Büro, wo rund zwei Drittel aller Mitarbeiter gehen mussten. Zynga gab zudem an, dass neben dem Bostoner Burö auch in Großbritannien und Japan eine "Niederlassung" geschlossen werden soll.

Hier nun noch die interne Meldung von Zynga CEO Mark Pnicus (via. Techcrunch)

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Earlier today we initiated a number of changes to streamline our operations, focus our resources on our most strategic opportunities, and invest in our future. We waited to share this news with all of you until we had first spoken with the groups impacted.

As part of these changes, we’ve had to make some tough decisions around products, teams and people. I want to fill you in on what’s happened and address any concerns you may have.

Here are the most important details.

We are sunsetting 13 older games and we’re also significantly reducing our investment in The Ville.

We are closing the Zynga Boston studio and proposing closures of the Zynga Japan and UK studios. Additionally, we are reducing staffing levels in our Austin studio. All of these represent terrific entrepreneurial teams, which make this decision so difficult.

In addition to these studios, we are also making a small number of partner team reductions.

In all, we will unfortunately be parting ways with approximately 5% of our full time workforce. We don’t take these decisions lightly as we recognize the impact to our colleagues and friends who have been on this journey with us. We appreciate their amazing contributions and will miss them.

This is the most painful part of an overall cost reduction plan that also includes significant cuts in spending on data hosting, advertising and outside services, primarily contractors.

These reductions, along with our ongoing efforts to implement more stringent budget and resource allocation around new games and partner projects, will improve our profitability and allow us to reinvest in great games and our Zynga network on web and mobile.

Zynga made social gaming and play a worldwide phenomenon, and we remain the industry leader. Our success has come from our dedication to a simple and powerful proposition – that play is not just something people do to pass time, it’s a core need for every person and culture.

We will all be discussing these difficult changes more with our teams and as a company. Tomorrow, Dave and I will be hosting a post-earnings webcast (details to follow) and next week we will be discussing our broader vision and strategy during our quarterly all-hands meeting. I’m confident this puts us on the right path to deliver on the promise of social gaming and make Zynga into an internet treasure.

If you have any immediate questions, I hope you will talk directly with your manager, Colleen, or me.

I look forward to talking with you tomorrow.


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