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Weblogit | October 4, 2024

Apple schüttet Dividenden aus: Update zur Apple Telefonkonferenz

Apple wagt  nach Jahren an der Börse den Schritt Dividenden an Aktienbesitzern auszuschütten. Steve Jobs hat sich immer dagegen gewehrt, Tim Cook sieht das scheinbar anders und lässt nun nicht nur die Mitarbeiter an den 100 Milliarden Dollar durch Rabatte teilhaben, sondern nun bekommen auch Aktienkäufer für ihre Investition etwas von den Kaliforniern wieder.

Es ist vorgesehen, dass ab Mitte des Jahres pro Quartal $ 2,65 ausgezahlt werden und später dann, den 30. September, auch mit dem Rückkauf von Aktien begonnen wird. Über die nächsten 3 Jahre sollen durch die beiden Maßnahmen ca. 45 Milliarden Dollar umgesetzt werden. Im Fiskaljahr 2013 sollen bereits für 10 Milliarden Dollar Aktien zurückgekauft werden.

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"Expects to Spend $45 Billion Over Three Years

CUPERTINO, California—March 19, 2012—Apple® today announced plans to initiate a dividend and share repurchase program commencing later this year.

Subject to declaration by the Board of Directors, the Company plans to initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal 2012, which begins on July 1, 2012.

Additionally, the Company’s Board of Directors has authorized a $10 billion share repurchase program commencing in the Company’s fiscal 2013, which begins on September 30, 2012. The repurchase program is expected to be executed over three years, with the primary objective of neutralizing the impact of dilution from future employee equity grants and employee stock purchase programs.

“We have used some of our cash to make great investments in our business through increased research and development, acquisitions, new retail store openings, strategic prepayments and capital expenditures in our supply chain, and building out our infrastructure. You’ll see more of all of these in the future,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Even with these investments, we can maintain a war chest for strategic opportunities and have plenty of cash to run our business. So we are going to initiate a dividend and share repurchase program.”

“Combining dividends, share repurchases, and cash used to net-share-settle vesting RSUs, we anticipate utilizing approximately $45 billion of domestic cash in the first three years of our programs,” said Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO. “We are extremely confident in our future and see tremendous opportunities ahead.”

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